Ecological women and babies

Little money
big concern and generosity

With some little money, Francisca was able to fulfill this project.

Pads and Diapers


 GENERAL OBJECTIVE: reusing is not past, it's future.

The target is enabling babies and women to have chemical and plastic-free losses, using natural, healthy and non-polluting pads and diapers.


-       The eco pads are so comfortable and really easy to wash. They never slip and they don’t itch or grab like disposable ones.

 -       I was a little skeptical but I really wanted to try to be more ecological during my period. I am quite surprised they work very well. I am satisfied.

 -       The only alternative for my baby was to remain naked or to soil himself as I could not afford buying disposable nappies. Using the washable ones has been a great improvement for the baby, for me and for the environment.

 Women able to seamstress can stitch feminine hygiene pads and babies diapers.

 It is a cultural norm in Africa for girls to stay home from school when on their periods.

Disposable products are too expensive and not practical. When girls stay home from school in keeping with this cultural norm, they miss quality instructional time and ultimately fail school exams at higher rates than boys, commonly dropping out of school altogether by 7th or 8th grade.

Research indicates that girls who stay in school marry later, have children later, are generally healthier, and are better able to provide for the needs of their children.


Cloth diapers can save the family lots of money.

Disposable diapers cost a huge part of the average salary. Imagine how many diapers you will need for baby´s first 3 years. You can have the same effect by just using washable, reusable cloth diapers where you have to change only the insert.

Cloth diapers are eco-friendly. You do the environment a massive favour by not throwing away up to 6.000 diapers until your child is fully potty trained.

Cloth diapers are gentle and non-toxic. Disposable diapers are made with a multitude of chemicals that, in the best case, do not harm. Avoid these chemicals fully by only using cloth diapers and natural inserts.

Sewing reusable pads and diapers is to help:

the women and babies for better comfort,

the environment in avoiding spreading of plastic and dejections

families to save money, improve feminine and babies hygiene and

to earn a living wage.


we did it!!!


A promotional basic kit is gifted to teen girls and mothers in educational sessions at school or elsewhere.

Learning the use of sewing machine means

Giving the right tool for a strategic goal;

Learning to use the right tool

Promoting the use of locally made items.

 Initially, with promotional purposes, a kit, made of pads or diapers along with underwear and soap in a beautiful purse made by volunteer seamstresses is given to girls and involved women.


Some sewing machines are put in place at the women centre.

Expert seamstresses teach new learners

Production of hygiene pads and diapers starts on community commercial base for a self sustained programme.

 What is the power of a sewing machine? It means that a woman in poverty has the opportunity to learn a life skill, earn a living wage, and support her own needs as well as provide for her children.

 Seamstresses are empowered to not only earn a living wage but to make a valuable contribution to their community, changing the lives of others living in poverty.


A master seamstress, a master knitter, and a project manager.


Sewing room at women centre


Sewing machines, tools, materials, basic furniture.