Small Projects

1. Small projects give the opportunity to learn new things in a relatively safe environment.
2. Implementing a new small project in a community can help building a new way of life for some of its members.
The project gives the chance to practice coaching and leadership and to simulate emulation.
3. For Small projects the benefits are achieved more quickly. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with being able to make changes for the people around. People can see the links between the work of the project and the benefits deriving from it.
Good results are encouraging the donors confirming that they put the money on the right field.
4. Small projects can cover many areas especially those at the ground level, linked to people’s daily lives, often forgotten by the big projects.
5. Especially the youth will have the chance to put into practice what they have learnt. This will be a great motivation for improving own learning and skills having the chance to test new techniques.

Waiting for funds


Young entrepreneurs will enjoy deploying own capacities with a direct beneficial impact on the well-being of their families (especially children and the elderly without any source of income)
Dissemination of new technologies helping the local market of machines
The services produced are tools of social communication as well
Economic impact

General Statement

Sub-Saharan Africa has a high percentage of entrepreneurs, especially among the younger generation. We often look at Africa only as a continent of problems. But people's potential is the same everywhere, only their opportunities are not. In the face of undeniable disappointments, some still like to see the potential behind poverty and give people some help to take off and move towards a brighter future. We lovers of Africa, regardless, are amazed by the number of brilliant ideas and entrepreneurial spirit we encounter in Africa. We believe in a cooperation that is not limited to promoting large projects, often compromised by mismanagement, but that directly involves possible beneficiaries by promoting projects with an employment impact and environmental recovery, supporting the new generations to tangibly improve people's living conditions.
We would like to promote the encounter between the associative world and that of the private sector, overcoming oppositions that are often ideological or that simply derive from an antiquated vision of cooperation.


As incredible as it may seem, food losses are prevalent in less developed countries, including sub-Saharan Africa. This causes the loss of a high percentage of food. Moreover, taking place in developing countries, food loss often has serious implications on the food security of the population.
- Maximizing the use of local agricultural products
- Promoting forms of conservation based on new and inexpensive technologies
- Fostering the connection between producers and markets